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Two Paint-In Sites, Munsinger Garden Sale, Fall Workshop & Other Reminders

CMW now has “two” locations to meet with other watercolor artists to paint during the week. One opportunity is at the Sartell Community Center on Thursday afternoons from 12:30 to 4 (fee of $25 for each participant per year). The second opportunity is at Whitney Senior Center every Monday morning from 8 to 12 am. ($10 for St. Cloud residents and $50 for non-residents per year). This is a great way to socialize and get some painting done. If you haven’t done so, try attending! We think you will enjoy it!

The Munsinger Garden Art Sale is approaching soon! July 20th will be here before we know it. Please sign up with Ralph Carpenter, CMW’s treasurer, to participate. There will be a sign up at the June 12th meeting or you can contact him via e-mail at . There is a $10 participation fee to cover costs (space rental, new tent, bottled water, and receipt books, other supplies etc). CMW is purchasing a second tent for the second space we are renting to have more space available for our artists. Also consider when you will be able to volunteer your time that day to help. It takes about five people at the check-out and these five should plan on being there all day so that we aren’t switching out tellers. There is a team needed for set up and take down which includes collecting the tents, racks, etc. Plus, we would appreciate an individual or two who is available to walk around, welcome people, answering questions, etc. It’s a fun day and a great way to get better acquainted with other CMW artists. Another thought…lesson from past sales…smaller paintings priced $50 or less and cards are most likely to sell. Because of space limitations, only paintings and cards will be accepted to sell.

The Munsinger Garden Sale Committee is requiring each participating artist to fill out an Inventory Sheet of the artwork they will be submitting to sell. There is a numbering system to mark your work that aids the tellers at check out. There will be a small packet at the June meeting with directions, inventory sheet, etc. If you can’t be at the June meeting, the packet will be mailed to you. Let Sandra Theis or Paula Tift, co-chairs, know of your needs or any questions you may have.

Reminder that CMW has a show at Good Shepherd until Wednesday, May 31st. If you are one of the artists displaying there, be sure to pick up your paintings between 10am and noon on the last day, Wed, May 31st!

In addition, there is a show at Whitney. That show will be hanging through June. Stop and see CMW’s artwork displayed in the West entrance hallway and by the office.

CMW’s Fall Workshop, featuring Dan Wiemer, is scheduled for September 19-21 at the Paramount in the lower level. Dan demoed at this past November CMW’s meeting. The three-day workshop start time is 9am and continues to 4pm. The cost is $350. Again, sign up with Ralph Carpenter, CMW’s Treasurer, at The Paramount will open the class to the public on July 15th so sign up asap to ensure your spot!

Another fun opportunity is to sign up for CMW’s fall retreat in beautiful downtown Cold Spring, Minnesota! The Spring Retreat was such a hit that it was suggested to have a Fall Workshop. It will be held again at the Riverside Inn, where we are provided with a wonderful bright workspace and each painter has a whole rectangular table to themselves. The dates are Monday through Wednesday, October 2-4. Artists can arrive at 10 am on Monday and start painting prior to check in and stay after checkout on Wednesday until 3 pm. The cost of the single room is $260 and the cost of a shared room is $190 for two nights (rates have increased). To attend, the first half payment needs to be paid by June 1st and the second half is due September 1, 2023 (half payment is $130/single and $95 for double occupancy). If you sign up and can’t attend, please find a replacement for your spot. A cancellation can affect the availability of the Conference Room for the other retreaters. It’s a great time!

So, a lot is happening!

The featured painting “Bleedin’ Heart” was painted by CMW’s Anita Hendrickx. My bleeding hearts are blooming outside as I write this. Thank you Anita!

Paula Tift, CMW Social Media Coordinator

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