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Reminder from CMW President Kerry–Show Deadlines–One TODAY Jan 10

Good morning CMW members,

I want to be sure you have all the information you need about upcoming shows plus one new opportunity!

1) If you are signing up for the show at Whitney Senior Center be sure to let Ralph know by Jan. 17th. All your information and images should be sent to Paula by Jan. 24th. There is no commission but there is the usual $5 fee. You can submit one piece unless we are short. We have 16 spots. Artists handle their own sales. Drop off your art from 3-4 pm on Monday, January 31st. This show continues until the end of March.

2) For CentraCare Plaza let Ralph know by January 10th, TODAY! Images and information to Paula by Jan. 17th. You can submit 2 entries until we are full. We can hang up to about 22 pieces. Please submit prices WITHOUT Tax . We will compute tax for the gift Shop crew that collects for sales. It should make the process easier. There is a 15% commission and a $5 Fee. Drop off is Monday, Jan. 24th from 10- 11 am. Use the Woodlands Entrance. You can only enter briefly to drop off with masks, due to Covid-19 protocols.

3) Liz Becker at CentraCare informed me of another location that individual artists can sign up for. Here is the info from Liz:

“Additionally, during our call today, I told you about a CentraCare Clinic which has requested Art Exhibits to be displayed in their waiting area. This would be the clinic located at Coordinated and Correctional Care, 2025 Stearns Way, Suite 114, St. Cloud, MN (just a few blocks from the new YMCA). It’s a smaller area which would accommodate 3-6 pieces. Because the size of the display area is relatively small, we’re allowing artists to choose if they’d like to have their pieces displayed anywhere from 1-3 months. I currently have openings at that facility for the following months: January – February, June – August, and October – December, 2022. If anyone within your organization is interested in displaying there, I’d be happy to contact them to discuss further.” Contact Liz Becker at:

Thanks for your participation in our shows! This is long, so let me know if you have questions….or contact another board member.


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