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CMW Show at Good Shepherd Community, April – May 2022

Nieters – Spring

It’s time — time to sign up and display your art at the Good Shepherd Community in Sauk Rapids, MN. Each artist may submit up to 3 paintings for this venue.

The show begins Friday April 1 and ends Tuesday May 31, 2022.


No later than March 7th, signup by registering with Treasurer Ralph Carpenter at A $5 fee is required payable to CMW and may be paid at the February 15th meeting at the Paramount or mailed to Ralph at 3225 15th Ave S, St. Cloud 56301. Late registration will not be accepted.

No later than March 14th, send jpeg images of your art to Paula Tift along with the title, size, price, media used, and a brief 1-2 sentence artist statement for each painting. You may text paintings and the above information to Paula at 320-237-3298 or email to An artist statement can be about the topic you chose or what inspired you to paint it or the method you used or anything you would like the viewer to know about your painting.

April 1st – Drop off artwork and hanging will take place between 3-5 pm on the main floor of Good Shepherd Community, 1115 4th Ave N, Sauk Rapids, MN 56379. Good Shepherd does not collect a commission, however, they do ask that each artist that makes a sale considers making a donation. Many of you have participated here before, so this is a reminder to old and new participants that you will be asked to sign a Memorandum of Understanding required by Good Shepherd when you drop off your painting. Please call any board member with any question you may have.

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