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CMW Offering Summer Plein Air Group Dates

At the recent June membership meeting there seemed to be quite a bit of interest in meeting as a group and experiencing Plein Air painting together this summer. The CMW Board has set the following dates to meet – so mark them in your calendars or check here on the Website Calendar to be reminded (obviously weather permitting). The time will be from 12:30 to 3pm or longer if you so choose.

  1. July 12 at Lake George

  2. August 9 at Munsinger Gardens

  3. September 20 at the Paramount (sidewalk out front)

These pictures were taken at a recent Plein Air date. Kerry Kupferschmidt and Pat Spence painted and Sandra Theis brought a chair and sketched. There are many creative ways to enjoy a Plein Air outing. Please join in!

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