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CMW NEWS-3 Items (Good Shepherd Show, Tamera Marinaro Gallery, Sharon Nieters’ Painting Recognition)

First-CMW artists are invited to show 3 paintings each at The Good Shepherd Community this April thru May. Drop off date is March 31, 2023 from 3 to 4:30 pm. Be sure to have proper wires on the back of each frame – our March CMW meeting will have a demo by Ralph Carpenter and Sandra Theis showing how to take pictures and frame your artwork properly prior to showing it.

Please contact Ralph Carpenter by March 6th to indicate how many paintings you will be showing ($5.00 fee can be paid at the March meeting or on the drop off day Mar 31).

NEXT please enter your information along with a photo jpeg for each entry on the “Jot Form” that Sandra Theis will be emailing out in March. Sandra has been working on this user-friendly system (similar to what Paramount required last fall). This system has spaces to fill in all the information that is required to post CMW’s artwork on our Website: artist name, title, size, cost (if for sale), and medium. There is a place for an artist statement if you choose to add one. If you have any questions while entering, contact Sandra Theis at After this show, Paula Tift, our Social Media Coordinator, will be taking over this function for the Whitney Show that is scheduled for May-June and the shows thereafter. This program streamlines the computer work required to put together a CMW show for the website and the show venue. The CMW Board feels once you have used it – you, too, will find it helpful in submitting your artwork.

Second-GOOD NEWS! TAMERA MARINARO has set up a Member Gallery Page! One of Tamera’s paintings is the featured image on this page. Please visit her page and view her artwork at:

Nice gallery page Tamera!

Third-MORE GOOD NEWS! SHARON NIETERS has been recognized in “The Monitor”…in a published article by Nancy Moyer on the HWS Watercolor Exhibit (Sharon winters in Texas). See a picture of the article below and a photo of Sharon’s painting. Click on each photo to enlarge…


Nieters from The Monitor

Nieters The Monitor Article

This blog is written and submitted by Paula Tift, CMW Social Media Coordinator

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