Tift – A Happy Couple, NFS
Spring is in the air…somewhere…and we are to meet soon for our CMW March Membership Meeting. CMW’s scheduled meeting time is this coming Monday eve, March 13th, at 6pm in the lower level of the Paramount. Ralph Carpenter and Sandra Theis graciously volunteered to demo: taking photos of your artwork for the website, plus matting and framing, which includes adding the correct hardware required to hang your work at show venues. They will be giving out important and much needed information so please plan to attend to sharpen your skills for entering work in shows!
Art in Motion is providing a reception from 10 am until noon on Saturday, April 1st for the CMW artists who have had their artwork displayed since last fall. Don’t be an (April) FOOL, plan to attend to support our CMW artists and to enjoy a treat at the Boho Cafe. Bring a friend along for the ride!
CMW’s Good Shepherd Show will open April 1 and close on May 31st. Watch for the posting of our CMW Artist entries on the Website around April 1st.
Sign up for CMW’s Whitney Center Show will open shortly. Whitney is providing CMW a large space to show our artwork May through June. Watch for more information.
Looking ahead—Dan Mondloch will be the demo artist at our Monday, April 10th monthly meeting (6pm, lower level of the Paramount). Mark this on your calendars! Dan is a CMW member and is a very popular and notable local artist. You won’t want to miss his demo! Plan to attend!
Submitted by Paula Tift, CMW Media Coordinator