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CMW Kicks Off the 22-23 Season with the Annual Member’s Meeting

Fall Centerpieces-Yvonne Schrank

CMW members met this past Monday evening for the September Annual Member’s Meeting which includes a potluck, review of the past year, Silent Sale, and a chance to renew your membership with Treasurer Ralph Carpenter. (Dues are $30/year plus a Membership form is required to be filled out each year. This can be done on this website under the Membership tab).

President Kerry Kupferschmidt and Secretary Pat Spence put together a Power Point Presentation reviewing the past year. The new calendar was discussed with all the demo, workshop, and meeting opportunities VP Sandra Theis has organized for the upcoming year–so plan ahead to participate! Disappointing to a few is the Board’s decision to discontinue the Newsletter as of the beginning of 2023. All the information found in the Newsletter is posted on this Website (News blogs, Calendar, and Up Next) and on CMW’s Facebook page. The Board understands the adjustment involved and will be available to help with this transition.

Kerry made the announcement that the CMW Presidents for the next term beginning Jan 2023 will be Co-Chairs Diane Runberg and Arlette Twedt. Linda Addicott will be the new Secretary. Thank you for volunteering and we look forward to your leadership this next term! A HUGE thank you to Kerry Kupferschmidt and Pat Spence for their fine work and dedication as CMW President and Secretary respectively.

Pat Spence facilitated the Door Prize drawings. There were three $15 gift certificates given out to lucky winners Sharon Houg, Barbara Rogan, and Diane Runberg.

A great thank you was extended to Yvonne and Gordon Schrank. Yvonne once again beautifully decorated our tables and Gordon is always there to help with his technical skills in setting up the computer/projector system. We appreciate you sharing your talents and expertise!

The evening ended with the Silent Sale results. Some members went home very happy and some were somewhat disappointed….oh well, there’s always next year! Thank you to Sharon Nieters, Rita Nelson and Susan Jensen-Cekalla for organizing the sale.

LOOKING AHEAD: There is a plein air painting event for members scheduled for Tuesday, September 20th, right outside the Paramount on St. Germain St. in downtown St. Cloud beginning at 12:30 pm. The Centra Care Show begins October 3-28. Plan to visit and support our painters! There are still openings for the Tara Sweeney Workshop September 27-28. Contact the Paramount to sign up for this excellent workshop opportunity. The next CMW Monthly meeting will be held Monday evening October 10th at the Paramount – 6 pm – Catherine Hearding is the demo artist. This is a prime example of why we pay our yearly dues and what is offered to us as artists in return. Each Thursday we are welcome to paint at the Sartell Community Center as a group from 12:30 to 4:00. All are welcome to join any or all of these opportunities!

Click on each photo of our September Annual Member’s Meeting to enlarge and view the photo in its entirety.

Kerry Presenting the Program-Review of 21-22

President Kerry Kupferschmidt reviewing the last year

Great Potluck, Conversation, Silent Sale and Friendship

Diane and Arlette-Co Pres

Linda Addicott-Secretary

Pat Spence dispersing the Door Prizes

Sharon Houg Door Prize Winner

Barbara Rogan Door Prize Winnter

Door Prize Winner Diane Runberg

Yvonne and Gordon Schrank

Silent Sale Items

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