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AOM 2022 Spring Show Results for CMW Members

There are a number of CMW artists who also belong to Artists of Minnesota After a few cancellations due to Covid, AOM members were able to attend their 2022 Spring Show, “Art By The River”, at the Park Event Center in St. Cloud, May 20-22.

For the Spring Show, members are able to submit two pieces of artwork to be judged in various categories and levels of experience. Throughout the week-end there are also three artist demos to attend, an art activity or a local tour, meals and gatherings, and a gallery that is viewed by artists, the public, and of course the Judge. This year the Judge and Demo Artist was Scott Lloyd Anderson The other demo artists were Pamela Linter and Duane Barnhart Attached is a gallery of CMW artists that were presented with awards. Consider joining this group!

Kathy Braud, Along the Mississippi, AOM Transparent Advanced, Second Place

Marilyn Clement, Sunset Over the Rim, AOM Transparent Advanced, Merit Award, People's Choice Award and the Barton Award. Marilyn is shown holding her 3 time show winner painting with AOM President Myrna Putnam.

Clement, Temperance River, AOM Transparent Advanced Merit Award

Euerle- AOM Transparent Intermediate, Merit Award and Member's Choice Award

Euerle - AOM Transparent Intermediate, Merit Award

Hendrickx-Glen's Walk Along the Truckee River, AOM Pastel, Drawing, Graphics, Int & Adv, Second Place

Houg, Just Dreaming, AOM Mixed Media Advanced Merit Award

Kiley, The Nature of Things, AOM Beginner Merit Award

Kupferschmidt, Sunlit Facades in Prague, AOM Transparent Advanced, Merit

Rogan, Last of Winter Snow (top) Bird of Paradise (bottom), AOM Super Gold, Merit Winner for both paintings

Runberg, A.J., AOM Opaque Intermediate, Merit Award

Tift, Waiting on a Woman, AOM Transparent Intermediate, Merit

Tonsfeldt, Ecstatic Pleasures Under the Water, AOM Opague Intermediate, Merit

Tonsfeldt, Out for a Stroll, AOM Mixed Media Intermediate Merit Award

Below is an example of the creative table center pieces made by Yvonne Schrank and Barbara Rogan. They brightened the dining and meeting room space.

Yvonne Schrank's & Barb Rogan's center piece

Yvonne Schrank Display for AOM "Art by the River"

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