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CMW 2022 CentraCare Plaza Show Jan 24-Feb 25

Almich-Purple Iris’s, 15.5 X 25.5, $450, Watercolor. My inspiration for this painting transpired by receiving a bouquet of these flowers, loving the intricacy of the petals. My Aunt had over 100 varieties in her Iris garden and when cutting them back, Mom would receive more Iris’s. Growing up in Minneota, MN they had Iris Shows also.

CMW’s CentraCare Plaza Show is scheduled from Jan 24 – Feb 25, 2022

Interested CMW Artists note the following information:

  1. $5 participation fee paid to our Treasurer Ralph Carpenter

  2. 15% commission fee for this show so mark your price accordingly

  3. Up to 2 pieces of artwork can be shown by each artist

  4. Signup with Ralph Carpenter on or before January 10 at

  5. E-mail Jpegs and the following info to Paula Tift on or before January 17 at Title of the art Price Dimensions – Height x Width in inches Medium used Artist Sentence(s)

  6. Late submissions will not be considered

Drop off your paintings on Monday, January 24, 2022 from 10 – 11 a.m. at the Woodland entrance. Take down date is February 25th. Time to be announced.

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