Clement-Sunset Over The Rim, 15X22 framed, $350, Watercolor
CMW is working on updating and adding more artists to the “Member Galleries” on this website. Click on the Member Gallery tab on the Menu. Click on the individual artist and scroll through each artist page and have an art tour from the comfort of your home.
Recently CMW Marilyn Clement updated her painting galleries.
Prior to Marilyn-Linda Addicott, Claudia Forsberg, Anita Hendrickx, Doug Lien, Paula Tift, and Arlette Twedt were updated and new artwork was added to their Artist Pages.
Since you are in the Member Galleries, also check out the artist pages for Kathy Braud, Elly VanDiest, Sandra Driscoll, Kerry Kupferschmidt, Judith Halbeck Meyeraan, Pat Spence, Jana Tonsfeldt, Bonnie Schwichtenberg, and Margaret Werlinger. The artwork represents each artist’s individual expressive style and interpretation. You may find some piece of artwork that “calls your name”. Artist contact information is included on each Artist Page.
Keep watching as these galleries continue to update and more CMW artists add their work.