Paula Tift

When I was young, I was always drawing people. I remember drawing a picture of a young woman on the chalk board at my friend’s house when I was 7 or 8. I drew a picture of my boyfriend after we broke up as a healing activity when I was a junior in high school. I drew the Beatles and my two best friend's high school pictures. I took an art class my senior year of high school and my teacher told me to be sure to take classes if I went on to further schooling.
Well, I didn’t attend college but married at 20 years of age, had 3 children, divorced, remarried, and had one more child while working outside of the home most of those years. I did keep busy doing crafty hands-on activities, occasionally took a drawing class, and always said I would get to my art when I retired. Unfortunately for me, I did wait that long and only began watercolor painting about 6-7 years ago through friends in my book group. Linda Addicott, who is a CMW member, taught three of us beginning watercolor.
From that time on, I joined CMW, watched demo’s at monthly meetings, signed up for workshops and retreats, and have been mentored on Thursday afternoons while painting with a few of the CMW members at the weekly painting gathering which now meets at Sartell Community Center. I have shown some of my work, I have participated in the Munsinger Garden Sale, and received a commission from the CMW Website.
As with anything, I find it important to paint as often as possible to improve as an artist. It’s a great way to get lost in deep thought. It’s a contemplative, meditative process and good for the Soul!