Kerry Kupferschmidt

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I have loved to draw since an early age, but my art adventure became more focused with classes at the University of Minnesota in the late 1970’s. I received a B.F.A. degree there in 1977. I had my first taste of watercolor during that time with Malcom Myers’ classes. Over the years watercolor has become my favorite means of expression. However, I have explored oils again in the last few years, with increasing interest.
I am a member of several excellent arts organizations including the Crossings Art Alliance in Brainerd, Central Minnesota Watercolor in St. Cloud, Artists of Minnesota and North Star Watermedia. I have taken several watercolor workshops, including recently with David Smith, Andy Evansen and Keiko Tanabe. Their enthusiasm and skills have inspired more devotion to artistic growth on my part.
In recent years my work has been accepted in several competitive venues for watercolor including national shows by Arts in Harmony, North Star Watermedia and Red River Watercolor Society. I won second place for watercolor at the Artists of Minnesota Spring show in Duluth in 2018. I was awarded Signature status at NorthStar Watermedia in 2021. I am currently finishing my 2nd term as President of Central Minnesota Watercolorists. It’s been a very rewarding experience. I enjoy the challenges of planning meetings, shows and hosting artists for demos and workshops.
I have several favorite subjects for my paintings, including Minnesota landscapes and wildlife, especially in the Lake Superior area. I love to capture a sense of light and shadow in my paintings. Touring towns with my wife in the Czech Republic and Germany in 2018 inspired many paintings My newest artwork is related to experiments with Yupo as a surface for watercolors. That led to my demonstrating my techniques for NorthStar Watermedia recently. I am thankful that art and creating continues to be a great joy in my life!