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Demo Artist Marilyn Jacobson – CMW April Membership Meeting

One of the perks of being a member Central MN Watercolorists is that CMW presents six different artist demos at various membership meetings throughout the year. This past Monday at our April Membership Meeting we welcomed Minnesota artist Marilyn Jacobson.

Marilyn is a self-taught intuitive artist who creates lively, colorful, whimsical art. Her creative process utilizes watercolor paints, saran wrap, pens and she also taps into her lifelong years of drawing experience. She only began painting once she retired. According to Marilyn, painting intuitively is a fun experience. She says dimensions don’t matter…anything goes…

Marilyn begins each painting by laying watercolors down on her paper surface. She reminds that the wet colors dry about 40% lighter so take that into consideration as you mix your paints. She then spritzes water, moves the paint around a bit, and lets it flow. Next, she crinkles plastic wrap and places it on top of the wet painted surface, weighs it down with a heavy object laid on top, and then lets it dry. This process creates many variations in textures and designs on the paper. Once dry, intuitively she will see a painting unfold in her mind, sketches it, and then completes it by using negative painting and markers to bring her characters to life.

Here are a few examples of Marilyn’s work. The man holding the bird is her demo piece not yet finished, but it gives you an idea of her process and creativity. Note also pictured with Marilyn is one of our own intuitive creative artists, Sharon Neiters, pointing out the bird she sees in the painting. Click on the pictures to enlarge…

Jacobson demo1

Jacobson demo 2

Jacobson demo 3

Jacobson demo 4

Jacobson demo 5

Jacobson demo-Old Man and the Sea

Jacobson demo-woman

Jacobson demo

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